Ahoy there, mateys! A breath-taking step into Captain Brickbeard and his first mate’s pirate cabin. Follow the clues on the ship deck carpet to find the hidden treasure chest and crack the code to claim your LEGO bounty...
Your whole ship will be decked out with pirate bedding, curtains, and wallpaper! Book your pirate room today for an unforgettable family treat!

Room Type

Standard (Previously Theme)
30sqm【Max 4 people】 Standard room

30sqm【Max 4 people】 Fully themed with wall paper for whole area and fitted with additional LEGO Elements

Premium Plus
30sqm【Max 5 people】 Room consist of Queen Bed, Bunk Bed and a Trundle bed for 2 Adults and 3 Children

45sqm【Max 5 people It has an additional play area for children and more!
All Room Facilities
Air conditioning | Room service |
Safe | Hairdryer |
Treasure box | child's room |

Early Check-in Service
Make your stay more flexible by checking in as early as 12:30 PM. Availability conditions apply.

Late Check-out Service
Enjoy and extend your stay up to 1:30 PM for a minimal fee. Availability conditions apply.